You Can’t Fool God

Kent Heaton

The laws of nature are absolute and will never change as long as the world stands. When God created the heavens and the earth He embedded strict laws that would regulate and protect the world. The moon and sun are exact distances from the earth so they can perform their function of seasons and times (Genesis 1:14-19; 8:22). Tides, seasons, gravity, photosynthesis, aging, time are all parts of the laws established by God that man cannot alter. This does not suggest that man has not been able to work within the laws to his advantage. Flying an airplane is only a temporary experience that may defy gravity but does not change the law of gravity. Man has been able to explore space but with limitations. He can plumb the deepest parts of the sea but with restrictions.

When God created the world He not only established laws of nature but He also established moral laws. This is clearly seen in Genesis 3 when man disobeyed the law of God and was punished. The early world of Noah became so wicked it was destroyed by a flood; save eight souls (1 Peter 3:20). No one would doubt the law of gravity. Jump off a high place and the law is proven. Disbelieving in a moral law does not change the reality of a moral law no more than disbelieving in gravity - it is still real. The apostle Paul defined this moral law and consequences in Galatians 6:7-8 - "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."

There is danger for man to deceive himself in believing he can change the moral law of God. It is not a wise course to try and fool God or to mock God. The idea to 'mock God' is to 'turn the nose up' and pretend as if His laws are not relevant. Turning ones nose up at the law of God may allow the person to smell higher but will not change the law of God. Imagine someone who deceives himself into believing that he is not accountable to the law of gravity. Does that change the reality of gravity? No! If the person denies the law of gravity and jumps from a high place will his belief save him? No! So it is with the moral law established by the Creator.

When a man sows corn he will reap corn - not apples. Whatever seed is sown is what the crop will be. If man sows immorality he will reap a harvest of what he planted. It is incongruous when people believe they can sow their "wild oats" and not harvest "grown-up wild oats" later. The kind of person you are today can largely determine the kind of person you will find tomorrow. If you drink alcohol don't be surprised later in life of many diseases associated with the drug. The same can be said about tobacco that will darken your heart (in more ways than one) and possibly kill you. "Can a man take fire to his bosom, And his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals, And his feet not be seared" (Proverbs 6:27-28)?

If you live today filling your life with fleshly desires you will harvest what you plant - that is the law of God. Sowing a life of fleshly desires will only bring about corruption or spiritual death (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). You sow; you reap. As someone said, "You cannot sow your wild oats and pray for a crop failure." There are consequences to your actions that will live with you for a lifetime. On the other hand the same law of reaping and sowing applies to righteousness. Choosing to follow the Lord will give you many untold blessings in the harvest of hope. Sow righteousness!