What Saves Us?

Richard Thetford

It is very interesting to note that the Bible mentions several things that man is saved by. We are saved by baptism, but that is not the only thing that saves us. Baptism is a piece to the overall puzzle of those things which God says saves us. The Bible teaches that man is saved by:

hope(Romans 8:24

grace(Ephesians 2:8)

faith(Acts 16:31)

mercy(Titus 3:5)


baptism(1 Peter 3:21)

the word(James 1:21)

the truth(John 8:32)

hearing(John 5:24)

obedience(Hebrews 5:9)

the gospel(Romans 1:16-17)

knowledge(1 Timothy 2:4)

belief and baptism(Mark 16:16)

repentance and baptism(Acts 2:38)

calling on the name of the Lord(Romans 10:13)

the washing of regeneration(Titus 3:5)

being born of water and the Spirit(John 3:5)

faithfulness(Revelation 2:10

God(1 Timothy 2:3-4)

Jesus Christ(Matthew 1:21)

the Holy Spirit(2 Thessalonians 2:13-14)

the blood of Jesus(Matthew 26:28)

Jesus stated very plainly“Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”(Matthew 7:21).of the things above “saves us.” Are we ready to accept what Jesus said and do the will of the Father? Our eternity (heaven or hell) will be determined by Christ (John 12:48). It is important that we make the right choice and listen to and then obey the words of God!